Meet the animals

Waterfall House

The rainforest floor is crawling with life. Take a look around and see for yourself.

  • chameleon icon
  • Did you know?

    Red Crested Turacos often sit totally still in trees for hours and climb around like parrots. Look carefully among the leaves.

  • Red crested turaco
  • Elongated tortoise
  • Cherry shrimp


Come with us on a journey below the surface of the water from mangroves and swamps to rivers, lakes and the sea. Meet the incredible creatures that live there.

  • frog icon
  • Did you know?

    The name archerfish reflects its ability to take down prey both underwater and above the water by spitting an "arch" of water at it.

  • Archer fish
  • pirana
  • Hermit crabs

Desert House

Wander among cacti and soak up the heat of our Yorkshire desert. Many think deserts are devoid of life but a visit to Tropical World will bury that myth.

  • frog icon
  • Did you know?

    Meerkat gangs hunt together in a collaborative effort that involves designated lookouts which rotate regularly and rely on a series of distinct calls.

  • mercat
  • pancake tortoise

Rainforest Canopy

Climb up to the roof of the forest and get a bird’s eye view of what life is like suspended 20 metres above the rainforest floor.

  • monkey icon
  • Did you know?

    The Pygmy Marmoset is the world’s smallest monkey, their long toes and claws allow them to cling to branches making them excellent at climbing.

  • Pygmy Marmoset
  • Pied Imperial Pigeon
  • Porcupine

Creature Corner

Unwind for a while and bask in the heat with our snakes, lizards and invertebrates. Slither out of the rainforest and into creature corner and meet our astonishing animals.

  • frog icon
  • Did you know?

    The Amazon milk frog releases a milky-substance through its skin when feeling threatened, hence their name! This makes their taste unpleasant to predators and less likely to be eaten.

  • Gecko
  • Sun beetles
  • Frog

Creature Cavern

Tip toe into the darkness of our cavern to meet the animals lurking in the shadows from the venomous, clawed to the prickly. Spot Gamora our Mexican beaded Lizard, our adorable Lesser Madagascar Tenrec family, our black beauty stick insect and many more!

  • lizard icon
  • Did you know?

    When it comes down to poisonous vs venomous, it's all down to the method of delivery. Venoms must be injected to be effective, whereas poisons can come into contact with skin, be inhaled, eaten or even touched.

  • Mexican Beaded Lizard
  • Tenrec
  • Black beauty stick insect

Butterfly House

Spread your wings and let your heart flutter in the butterfly house. Witness first-hand their life cycle from hungry caterpillar to sociable butterfly.

  • butterfly icon
  • Did you know?

    Our Owl Butterflies can grow up to 20cm. That’s the same size as a large dinner plate.

  • butterfly
  • butterfly2
  • crocodile

meet the animals


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